We are the center of a network of relationships
Intermèdia is established in 1990 by lawyer and journalist Toni Rodríguez Pujol and since 2024 has been directed by communication consultant Aina Rodríguez.
We are a team of intergenerational professionals, experts in strategic communication.

our trip to communication and innovation
We believe in the power of communication as a force for good in business and society.
Availability, adaptability, rigor
Experience and diversity, intergenerational
Influence, networking
Good practices, ethics, empathy, proximity
Joined: November 1990 (founder).
Degree in Law and Journalism. He began working as a journalist in 1973, specialising in political and financial news.
He has worked for Correo Catalán and TVE’s Circuit Català, contributed to El Periódico de Catalunya (1980-1998) and collaborated with El País, La Vanguardia, Catalunya Ràdio and other media in management positions on different programmes and sections. City of Barcelona Journalism Award 1986. Expert in electoral campaigns, generation of positive messages, crisis management and creation of circles of trust with institutions and the media.
He began managing the communication of disruptive electoral campaigns for the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Antoni Negre 1991, 1994 and 1998), FC Barcelona (Joan Laporta 2003 and 2006), professional associations (ICAB, ICPB) and other institutions. He specialises in the creation of narratives, crisis management, communication strategies and shared leadership.
At heart, he is a journalist and a writer. He likes people, literature, film, theatre, jazz, opera, photography, gastronomy, liturgy, travel and playing parcheesi and “butifarra” with friends. His favourite landscapes are the coastline of Banyalbufar and the mountains of Llívia.
Joined: December 2008
Aina studied Audiovisual Communication at Ramon Llull-Blanquerna University and an Executive MBA at the ESIC Business School.
She is in charge of the Intermedia brand and the Intermedia Confidencial relationship-building meetings. She manages the company’s projects for growth and the coordination between people and teams. She also plays an important role in the promotion of digital communication plans for the agency’s clients. Some of the companies and institutions she has worked with recently include the Cercle d’Economia, Palau Robert and Oxfam Intermón.
She enjoys spending time with her family and leading a healthy lifestyle, eating wholesome food, doing yoga and going for early morning runs.
Joined: January 1992
Eva has a Degree in Business Management, Accounting and Marketing from the UOC.
She joined Toni Rodriguez’s team when the company was launched in 1992, before which she worked for a medical publishing house. She is in charge of managing the company’s administrative tasks, monitoring and budgetary control of projects, and has specialised in events organisation and production.
She enjoys travelling, walking in the mountains and on the beach, Pilates and stretching, and watching series.
Joined: October 2003
Roser Alcocer holds a Degree in English Philology from the UB and an MBA from ESADE.
She has extensive experience in the design and execution of communication plans, crisis management, electoral campaigns and media relations. She is also an expert in face-to-face, online and hybrid events organisation.
In recent years she has specialised in corporate communication, with clients such as BSM, TRAM, the Port of Barcelona, Oracle and Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat, and has also focused on clients in the digital health sector, such as the Barcelona Health Hub.
She enjoys travelling, architecture and design, photography, music and swimming.
Joined: January 2008
Carles is Head of Projects and Content Editor at Intermèdia Comunicació.
He holds a Degree in Journalism from Blanquerna University and a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from Pompeu Fabra University. Verbal communication and writing are his two strong points. He has broad experience that includes film journalism (Avui, ABC, Levante EMV, Dirigido Por, etc.), the digital environment (he edits his own website – Transit) and teaching (CCCB, La Casa del Cine).
Since joining Intermèdia in 2008, he has worked for clients from multiple sectors (cultural, scientific, legal, funeral, technological, educational, mobility) such as Parlem Telecom, Col·legi de Procuradors de Barcelona, GSMA, Gremi de Garatges de Barcelona i Província, Mémora and Cementiris de Barcelona.
If he is not working somewhere in Barcelona, he can normally be found in the company of his three children, at Camp Nou, at the cinema, at a concert or reading a novel.
Joined: October 2010
Carme Alba has a Degree in Journalism from the UAB, a Master’s in Communication and Public Relations from the same university and an Executive MBA from ESIC Business School.
She has extensive experience in the design of communication plans, content writing, media relations, events organisation and the management and contracting of celebrities and influencers.
In recent years she has specialised in the retail sector, with clients such as the shopping centres La Maquinista, Splau, Glòries, the Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona (IMMB), La Boqueria and the Sorli Group.
She enjoys discovering the world, music, gastronomy, series and dance.
Joined: April 2022
Anna Caballero holds a Degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
She has extensive experience in the media and as a strategic communications consultant. Over the course of her career, she has designed and developed communication plans, managed reputation and crisis communication, and in recent years she has specialised in communication skills training, spokesperson training and crisis communication.
She has worked with several public institutions including the Generalitat de Catalunya, city councils, RENFE and FGC, as well as leading private companies such as REPSOL, Michelin, Nestlé, la Caixa Foundation and LEGO. She is currently managing communications for an energy company as well as working on projects in the health, labour and financial sectors.
In addition to her professional commitments, she loves discovering nature by hiking, mountain biking and bike tours. She also enjoys showing her more social, dynamic side by having fun, meeting friends and dancing.
Joined: April 2022.
Laura Fernández holds a Degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and is a Postgraduate Degree in Images.
She has extensive experience as a strategic consultant in corporate communication, including design and execution of strategic plans for 360-degree external communication, public relations and media relations. She has worked as a writer for Mí bebé y yo and in agencies such as Atrevia and Undatia Comunicació, specialising in the development of online communication plans and strategies to help brands position themselves in the digital universe. In recent years she has worked for organisations including the puntCat Foundation, the World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism, the Trobada Empresarial al Pirineu, the Baix Llobregat Sports Council and the UNESCO Ocean Decade Conference.
She likes to have new experiences through travel and books and to feel active and energetic through sport and dance.
Joined: February 2024
Agustín Rodríguez is a draughtsman and has been a registered journalist since 1987.
He has extensive experience in the design of strategies and execution of communication plans, crisis management and media relations. In the last 25 years, he has focused on corporate communication, working as Director of Communication for Aena in Catalonia, RCD Espanyol in Barcelona and the public company Infraestructures de la Generalitat.
He likes everything related to the history of the Second World War and is keen on hiking and visiting cities on foot. He likes to disconnect from the world listening to 80s music, Barry White and the Bee Gees, and he’s a collector of fountain and ballpoint pens.
Joined: February 2020
Sergi Cañisà has a Degree in Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University and is finishing a Degree in History from Barcelona University.
He has 20 years of professional experience in the field of corporate and institutional communications and three years of experience in economic journalism in the written press and international news agencies/television. In recent years he has specialised in corporate communications, with clients in the fields of professional services, R&D and professional associations, such as Bové Montero y Asociados, Bellavista Legal, Alhos Advocats i Economistes, the Auditor’s Association of Catalonia, Gestora de Runes and GSMA.
He enjoys discovering the world, reading, film, music, swimming and growing plants. He is planning his next trip to Japan, a country he has already visited twice and which fascinates him.
Joined: IP Comunicación in 2014 (company absorbed by Intermèdia in November 2020)
Jaume Moreno holds a Degree in Information Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy Management from the UAX.
He has extensive experience in the field of institutional and political communication, having worked for organisations such as Barcelona City Council. He has also participated as a guest lecturer on different master’s degrees taught by the IL3 in the University of Barcelona. At Intermedia he works on the design and development of press strategies, institutional relations and electoral campaigns, with clients such as the Port of Barcelona, CLIA, BSM and the CAATEEB.
He enjoys travelling, reading, music, art, theatre and walking around Barcelona.
Joined: November 2023
Carme was Chief Editor of the magazine Cuina for 16 years and has more than 25 years of professional experience as an editor in digital and print media. She lived in the Principality of Andorra for 8 years, where she worked in media outlets including Ràdio Nacional d’Andorra and Diari d’Andorra, as well as holding the position of society editor in the newspaper Avui, before focusing on the world of gastronomy and, finally, on corporate communications at Intermèdia, where she writes content and develops communications projects for clients such as Parlem Telecom, Avales, Cimalsa and TRAM.
She is passionate about Mexican cuisine, she likes photography and 50’s rockabilly, and she can often be found hiking along mountain trails.
Joined: March 2023
Mireia Arisa has a Degree in Journalism and Humanities from Pompeu Fabra University.
Mireia started her career 18 years ago at Intermèdia and has also worked with IP Comunicación (currently part of Intermèdia). She has extensive experience in corporate communications, media relations and digital content management and in the design and promotion of stands and events. She provides services to clients in the technology and innovation sector such as the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia and the Zona Franca Consortium, municipal clients such as BSM and transport companies including TRAM.
She enjoys rock music and dancing, photography and reading, drawing and discovering new restaurants in Barcelona.
Joined: April 2022
Degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
He has experience in the design and implementation of communication plans, media relations, content writing and press materials. Throughout his career as a corporate communications consultant he has advised companies, associations and organisations in the fields of health, economics and audiovisuals, such as the UNESCO Ocean Decade Conference, the Spanish Cancer Association, CIMALSA, Planeta Junior, Leitat and the World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism.
He likes to spend his free time with his children, watch thrillers and true crime series, celebrate and suffer the wins and losses of Barça, and plan his upcoming trips with the aim of visiting new places every year. His dream trips? New Zealand and a safari in Kenya.
Joined: September 2022
María Resina joined Intermèdia after an internship at the company while she was finishing her Degree in Advertising and PR at the University of Vic, where she was awarded ‘Best Academic Record’. Previously, she had begun her training in the world of communication by studying a joint vocacional training programme in Marketing and Advertising.
Since joining Intermèdia she has mainly worked for clients in the retail and gastronomy sector such as the Splau shopping centre, Westfield Glòries, the Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona, la Boqueria and the Sorli Group.
She enjoys learning about new cultures, the sea and nature, is passionate about animals and enjoys spending time with family and friends.
Joined: October 2023
Miriam has a Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the UPF. Her work focuses on the field of public relations, institutional relations, events management, press office and the design of communication campaigns. She works for clients such as the Cercle d’Economia, the ACM, the Port of Barcelona and CLIA, and she is part of the Intermèdia Confidencial team.
Her two main passions are travelling and sport, and her goal is to visit all the world’s continents and cultures.
Joined: April 2024
Maria has a Degree in Journalism from the UPF.
With experience in digital journalism and institutional communication, at Intermèdia Comunicació her work focuses on press offices, events management, corporate communication and public relations. She also lends support to different projects such as the Intermèdia brand, the ACM and the Cercle d’Economia.
She is passionate about history and culture, she likes to spend time with her close friends and family and she enjoys cooking, practicing mindfulness and exploring the world.
Joined: IP Comunicación in 2009 (company absorbed by Intermèdia in 2020)
Magda Baca has a Diploma in Tourism from the UdG. She has been part of the team for 14 years, first at IP Comunicación and then, since November 2020, in the Administration and Accounting Department of Intermèdia Comunicació.
She likes travelling to Germany, reading and rock music, and she’s already thinking about her next concert.